Why Your Redis Cache Is Probably Wrong
Redis caching is deceptively complex. Discover the patterns and practices for robust cache implementations.
Redis is the go-to solution for caching, but most implementations I see are fundamentally flawed. Here's why, and how to fix it.
Common Anti-Patterns
1. The Naive Cache
// ❌ BAD: Basic cache implementation
class UserService {
async getUser(id: string): Promise<User> {
// Simple key, no versioning
const cached = await redis.get(`user:${id}`);
if (cached) {
return JSON.parse(cached);
const user = await db.users.findById(id);
// No TTL strategy
await redis.set(`user:${id}`, JSON.stringify(user));
return user;
2. Cache Invalidation Issues
// ❌ BAD: Manual invalidation
class UserController {
async updateUser(id: string, data: UpdateUserDTO) {
await db.users.update(id, data);
// What if this fails?
await redis.del(`user:${id}`);
// What about related caches?
await redis.del(`userPosts:${id}`);
3. Race Conditions
// ❌ BAD: Concurrent updates
async function updateUserCount() {
const count = await redis.get('user_count');
// Race condition: multiple processes might read same value
await redis.set('user_count', parseInt(count) + 1);
Better Patterns
1. Smart Cache Keys
// ✅ BETTER: Versioned cache keys
class CacheKey {
private prefix: string,
private version: number = 1
) {}
forEntity(id: string): string {
return `${this.prefix}:v${this.version}:${id}`;
forQuery(params: Record<string, any>): string {
const hash = createHash(params);
return `${this.prefix}:v${this.version}:query:${hash}`;
class UserCache {
private keys = new CacheKey('user', 2);
async get(id: string): Promise<User | null> {
return redis.get(this.keys.forEntity(id));
async set(user: User): Promise<void> {
const key = this.keys.forEntity(user.id);
await redis.setex(key, 3600, JSON.stringify(user));
2. Cache-Aside Pattern
// ✅ BETTER: Robust cache-aside implementation
class CacheAside<T> {
private redis: Redis,
private source: DataSource<T>,
private options: CacheOptions
) {}
async get(key: string): Promise<T> {
const cached = await this.redis.get(key);
if (cached) {
return this.deserialize(cached);
// Use mutex to prevent thundering herd
const mutex = await this.getMutex(key);
if (!mutex.acquired) {
// Another process is loading, wait and retry
await sleep(100);
return this.get(key);
try {
const data = await this.source.get(key);
await this.set(key, data);
return data;
} finally {
await mutex.release();
private async getMutex(key: string): Promise<Mutex> {
return redlock.lock(`mutex:${key}`, 5000);
3. Write-Through Cache
// ✅ BETTER: Consistent write-through caching
class UserRepository {
private db: Database,
private cache: Redis,
private events: EventBus
) {}
async update(id: string, data: UpdateUserDTO): Promise<User> {
// Start transaction
const tx = await this.db.transaction();
try {
// Update database
const user = await tx.users.update(id, data);
// Update cache atomically
await this.cache.multi()
.set(`user:${id}`, JSON.stringify(user))
.set(`user:${id}:version`, user.version)
// Commit transaction
await tx.commit();
// Notify other services
await this.events.publish('user.updated', {
version: user.version
return user;
} catch (error) {
await tx.rollback();
throw error;
Advanced Patterns
1. Cache Stampede Prevention
// ✅ BETTER: Probabilistic early recomputation
class StampedePreventingCache {
private beta = 1.0;
async get(key: string): Promise<CacheEntry> {
const entry = await this.redis.hgetall(key);
if (!entry.value) {
return this.computeValue(key);
// Check if we should recompute early
const age = Date.now() - entry.updated;
const ttl = entry.ttl - age;
if (this.shouldRecompute(age, ttl)) {
// Recompute in background
return entry.value;
private shouldRecompute(age: number, ttl: number): boolean {
const probability = Math.exp(-this.beta * ttl);
return Math.random() < probability;
2. Hierarchical Cache
// ✅ BETTER: Multi-level caching
class HierarchicalCache {
private l1: Cache, // Local memory
private l2: Cache, // Redis
private l3: Cache // Database
) {}
async get(key: string): Promise<any> {
// Try L1 (memory)
const l1Result = await this.l1.get(key);
if (l1Result) return l1Result;
// Try L2 (Redis)
const l2Result = await this.l2.get(key);
if (l2Result) {
await this.l1.set(key, l2Result);
return l2Result;
// Load from L3 (DB)
const l3Result = await this.l3.get(key);
await Promise.all([
this.l1.set(key, l3Result),
this.l2.set(key, l3Result)
return l3Result;
3. Intelligent TTL
// ✅ BETTER: Dynamic TTL based on access patterns
class AdaptiveTTLCache {
async set(key: string, value: any): Promise<void> {
const accessPattern = await this.getAccessPattern(key);
const ttl = this.calculateTTL(accessPattern);
await this.redis
.set(key, JSON.stringify(value))
.expire(key, ttl)
private calculateTTL(pattern: AccessPattern): number {
if (pattern.frequency === 'high') {
return 3600; // 1 hour for frequently accessed
if (pattern.updates === 'frequent') {
return 300; // 5 minutes for frequently updated
return 1800; // 30 minutes default
Best Practices
1. Error Handling
class ResilientCache {
async get(key: string): Promise<any> {
try {
return await this.redis.get(key);
} catch (error) {
// Circuit breaker pattern
if (this.shouldDisableCache(error)) {
await this.temporarilyDisableCache();
// Fallback to database
return this.getFallback(key);
2. Monitoring
class MonitoredCache {
private metrics = new CacheMetrics();
async get(key: string): Promise<any> {
const timer = this.metrics.startTimer();
try {
const value = await this.redis.get(key);
this.metrics.recordHit(key, value != null);
return value;
} finally {
class CacheMetrics {
private hitRate = new Rate('cache_hit_rate');
private latency = new Histogram('cache_latency');
private size = new Gauge('cache_size');
recordHit(key: string, hit: boolean) {
this.hitRate.record(hit ? 1 : 0);
For effective Redis caching:
- Use versioned cache keys
- Implement proper invalidation strategies
- Handle race conditions
- Prevent cache stampedes
- Monitor and measure everything
Remember: Caching is easy to implement but hard to get right.